The Symposium on Spatiotemporal Data Science

The Spatial Data Lab (SDL) is sponsoring a symposium focused on promoting replicable and expandable spatiotemporal data science using advanced methodology and innovative technology. The symposium will cover topics such as open data sources, advanced methodology, and cutting-edge technology for spatiotemporal data analysis, and their applications across various fields, including public health, business and economy, social media, remote sensing, environment, and education. 

The symposium will feature plenary speakers, parallel sessions, and posters, with both onsite and online sessions planned. Selected high-quality papers presented at the symposium will be recommended for publishing in a special issue of a prominent journal in spatiotemporal data science, providing participants with an excellent networking and collaborative opportunity to learn about recent developments in the field.

Date: July 15, 2023 – July 16, 2023 (All day)

Location: 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA 02138