Dexuan Sha

  • Position:
    Graduate Research Assistant (Match 2017 - Present)
  • Education:
    Augest 2017 - Present, Ph.D. in Earth Systems and Geoinformation Science, George Mason University
    2016, M.S. in Geospatial Science, Missouri State University
    2014, B.S. in Applied Mathematics, Hainan University
  • Bio:
    Dexuan Sha is seeking for Ph.D. degree in Earth Systems and Geoinformation Sciences from George Mason University. His research focus is on computer version algorithms for high spatial resolution imagery analysis and high performance computing based on cloud computing and big data architecture.
  • Involved Projects:
  • Arctic Cyberinfrastructures (Tech Lead) website
  • Planetary Defense Gateway (NASA funded)
  • Precipitation Downscaling (NASA funded)