Ishan Shams

  • Position:
    Graduate Research Assistant (August 2016 – Present)
  • Education:
    January 2016 – Present, Ph.D in Earth Systems and Geoinformation Science, George Mason University
    2016, B.S in Applied Information Technology, George Mason University
  • Bio:
    Ishan Shams received his bachelor’s degree in Applied Information Technology from George Mason University in 2016 and now currently on his third year of doctorate program in Earth Systems and Geoinformation Science in the Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science in George Mason University. Broadly, his methodological research focuses on planetary defense mitigation responding systems – in collaboration with NASA and NSF - using machine learning, data science, full stuck development knowledge, and 3D Visualization techniques. Within his program, he also previously worked on developing a Spatiotemporal Hybrid Cloud Platform using modern DevOps approach in Agile fashion.